To handle replacement deliveries, we recommend creating a new payment method. In the Tab Country assign a country to this payment type that is not available in your shop, so that this payment type is not visible for your customers despite being activated. Then adjust the setting for your pick profile(s) so that orders with this payment method are also displayed. You can find more information about the pick profiles here.
Next, open the plugin configuration under Configuration → Basic settings → Further settings → Shopware WMS:
- Picking - Payment methods with delivery note instead of invoice – Select the payment method just created for replacement deliveries here, so that only a delivery note and no invoice document is created for corresponding orders.
If you now want to make the replacement delivery, open the corresponding customer account and create an order in the name of the customer. You can use the Log in as this customer function or create an order in the backend using the Plugin Backend Orders.
Afterwards, we recommend that you enter an internal comment with the original order number in the Communication tab of the order.
In addition, you can modify the delivery note template so that an additional message is displayed when using the payment method for a replacement delivery. You can find instructions on how to do this in the Shopware documentation.
After the order has been created, it can be picked as usual.