After the end of a business day, you should accomplish a cash balance at each cash register. This is done directly in the POS app. We recommend the following procedure:
- Open the app menu and select the entry Daily closings. You will now see a list of all daily closings that have already been carried out, including date and user. The fiskaly note on the far right tells you whether the cash book closing has been sent to fiskaly. If you want to make a withdrawal beforehand, you can do this via the menu item Deposits and withdrawals. You can find more information here.
- Tap New daily closing. Now count all the money in the cash register - separate recording of the individual note and coin values is not required by law - and enter the amount in the upper field.
- If there is a difference between the counted cash balance and the expected balance, you will see this in the last line and can recount the cash balance and correct it if necessary. Any difference will also be shown on the cash report.
- Click on Close cash book to complete the process and create the corresponding cash book report.
Export cash reports
For cash register reports created from version 6.10.0 for all stores in Germany:
All cash reports are automatically transferred to fiskaly after they have been generated. You can view the reports in the Shopware 5 backend under Customers → Cashbook → Manifested or in the Shopware 6 administration under POS → Cash Book.
For cash register reports created prior to version 6.10.0 or for stores outside Germany:
All cash register reports can be found in the Shopware 5 backend under Customers → Cashbook → Manifested. You can select specific cash register reports for individual subshops, cash registers or specific time periods by using the filter settings. Click on Export selection or Export all at the bottom to export them as a .zip file. The reports for Pickware POS in Shopware 6 can be found in the Administration under POS → Cashbook.