Return Ratio
The return rate indicates the ratio of shipped to returned goods and is calculated as follows:
In this statistic you can see the return ratio for each item and the return ratio for the entire dispatched or returned goods in the final line. The columns Stocked (%) and Written off (%) refer to the column Returned.
Stock Movements
Here you can see all stock entries per item within a certain period as well as the sum of all stock increases and decreases.
Stock Turnover Rate
The statistic of the inventory turnover rate shows three key figures:
- Average stock
- Stock turnover rate
- Turnover period
The average stock is calculated as follows:
The stock turnover rate is calculated as follows:
The turnover period is calculated as follows:
All key figures result at variant level and are displayed as follows:
Sales Ratio
The sales ratio indicates the percentage of goods received that have been sold and is calculated as follows:
Sells means the number of items sold and Incoming goods means the number of goods received.
The number of incoming goods
- increases or decreases due to manual stock adjustments in the item details,
- Increases or decreases due to storage of supplier orders,
- increases due to returns received.
The number of sells
- increases due to newly shipped orders (order status has to be Completely delivered),
- does not increase due to returned orders.
The statistic is then displayed as follows:
Turnover by Main Shop Categories
This statistic calculates all sales according to the categories of the respective main shop.
Gross Profit
The gross profit is calculated as follows:
In addition to this, a trading margin is output, which is calculated as follows:
All information is displayed at the variant level and in a summarised overview. The statistic only deals with orders that have been shipped. Furthermore, no vouchers are taken into account. The net sales prices are adjusted for returns.
Item Sales
This statistic outputs the gross and net sales per item and calculates totals with and without shipping costs based on the values determined. The article turnovers result from the following:
Net sales are calculated by deducting VAT from the gross sales price. The VAT rate of the respective item is taken into account. The number of sales corresponds to the number of items ordered.
The statistic is then displayed as follows: