You can find the plugin configuration under Configuration → Basic settings → Additional settings → Quotations. Please check the settings after installing the plugin.
- Display quotations in the customer account – With this option you determine whether customers can view and automatically accept quotations that have been made available to them in the frontend. For this purpose, a menu item Quotations is added to the customer account in the frontend.
- Allow request for quotation – With this option you determine whether customers should be given the possibility to request quotations themselves in the frontend.
- Minimum shopping cart value for quotation requests – With this option you set a minimum shopping basket value as a requirement for quotation requests. This option requires that customers are allowed to make quotation requests in the frontend (see option Allow quotation requests).
- Send an email to shop owner, if a quotation is requested – With this option you control whether a short information e-mail is sent to the shop operator when a customer requests an offer in the frontend. The e-mail is sent to the e-mail address stored in Configuration → Basic settings → Shop settings → Basic information.
- Display info banner – The plugin offers the option of displaying explanatory info banners in the header area of the page both when creating a quotation from the backend and when accepting a quotation. These banners can be closed by the customer / shop operator with an "X" button. Please note that this option has no influence on the display of the banner for the offer mode. This contains the button to exit the quotation mode and is therefore always displayed when a quotation is accepted.
- Impose a standard time limit on quotations – With this option you determine whether quotations are limited in time by default. This default value will be applied to the quotation when it is created and can be adjusted individually for each quotation if required.
- Standard period of validity – In addition to the option Impose a standard time limit on quotations, you can use this option to define a default duration for time-limited quotations. This default value will be applied to the quotation when it is created and can be adjusted individually for each quotation if required.
- Standard comment for quotation PDF - In this field you can enter a standard text for the comment of the quotation PDF. This text is automatically taken over into the comment field when creating a quotation. The text can still be adjusted in the quotation detail window.
- Preset recipients for quotation e-mails (Cc) - Here you can enter several e-mail addresses, separated by a comma, to which the quotation e-mail is sent as a copy (CC). The addresses are visible to the customer. Here, too, the recipients can be edited before the quotation e-mail is sent.