You can find the plugin configuration under Configuration → Basic Settings → Additional Settings → Dunning. Please check the settings after installing the plugin.
- Only consider ordes with order date later than – To limit the number of orders to be checked, a date can be set here so that orders before this date are ignored by the plugin. If no date is specified here, the installation date of the dunning plugin will be used automatically.
- Send reminders and payment reminders automatically via email to the customer – The sending of reminder documents and payment reminders attached to an e-mail to the customer is done via cronjob and can be deactivated. The corresponding documents are nevertheless created in the backend. This way, you have the option, for example, to send reminders manually or to print them out and send them by mail.
- Additional recipients of the automatic emails (BCC) – Here, additional blind recipients of the reminders and payment reminders can be stored (comma-separated list, optional), to which the corresponding e-mail will also be sent if the e-mail dispatch is executed automatically by the cronjob.
- Email address of debt collections notification – Enter the email addresses of the recipients for the automatic debt collection email (comma-separated for more than one address).
- Consider orders with these payment methods for reminders – Only orders with the payment methods specified here will be considered when creating reminders.
- Consider orders with these payment states for first reminder – Only orders with the payment statuses specified here will be transferred to 1st reminder status and the corresponding reminder will be created and/or sent.
- Consider orders with these order states for reminders – Only orders with the order statuses specified here will be considered when creating the 1st reminder.
- Create first reminder X days after the invoice – The 1st reminder will be created X days after invoicing of the relevant order and will be sent automatically if necessary. This is independent of a possible payment reminder.
- Create second reminder X days after first reminder – The 2nd reminder will be created X days after the creation date of the 1st reminder of the relevant order and will be sent automatically if necessary. For this, the order must have the payment status 1st reminder.
- Create third reminder X days after second reminder – The 3rd reminder will be created X days after the creation date of the 2nd reminder of the relevant order and will be sent automatically if necessary. For this, the order must have the payment status 2nd reminder.
- Debt collection notification X days after third reminder – The collection notification is created X days after the creation date of the 3rd reminder of the relevant order and sent to the specified email addresses with the relevant attachments (invoice as well as reminder documents). For this, the order must have the payment status 3rd reminder.
- Fee for reminder 1 – From the 1st reminder onwards, this fee will also be shown separately on the reminder document in the corresponding currency of your store.
- Fee for reminder 2 – From the 2nd reminder onwards, this fee will also be shown separately on the reminder document in the corresponding currency of your store.
- Fee for reminder 3 – From the 3rd reminder onwards, this fee will also be shown separately on the reminder document in the corresponding currency of your store.
- Send payment reminders – Here you can specify whether payment reminders should be created.
- Consider orders with these payment methods for payment reminders – Only orders with the payment methods specified here will be considered when creating payment reminders.
- Consider orders with these payment states for payment reminders – Only orders with the payment statuses specified here are transferred to the status Payment reminder and the corresponding payment reminder is created and/or sent.
- Consider orders with these order states for payment reminders – Only orders with the order statuses specified here will be considered when creating payment reminders.
- Create payment reminder after X days – The payment reminder is created X days after the order date (for orders with the payment method prepayment) or after the invoice date (for all other payment methods) and is sent automatically if necessary. The specified period should be shorter than the period until the 1st reminder.
- Automatically reject unpaid prepayment orders – The order status of prepayment orders is automatically changed from Open to Cancelled / rejected when this feature is enabled.
- Reject unpaid prepayment orders after X days – Specify how many days after the order is received the order status for unpaid prepay orders should be changed to Canceled / rejected if the Automatically reject unpaid prepayment orders feature is enabled.