Our support team will be happy to help you

Your happiness is our top priority! Good service is our ultimate goal and is fully included in the price.

Here you will find first useful answers & assistance

Nothing found? These are the next steps

  1. 1

    Fill out contact form

  2. 2

    Support case is processed as quickly as possible

  3. 3

    Support team asks further questions if necessary

  4. 4

    More complex cases are forwarded to our development team

  5. 5

    After the case has been resolved the support team will get in touch with you again

Tips to help us process your request even faster:

Perform these steps before contacting us in order to solve errors directly yourself:

  • Clear all caches
  • Check if your plugins are up to date and perform available updates
  • Deactivate recently installed plugins from other companies

Remember to include any required attachments that are relevant to the quick processing of your support case:

  • Precise description to reproduce the error for our support team
  • Screenshot of the error message
  • Relevant logins for our support team

Get in touch with our support team:

Thank you for your message.

If possible, please attach screenshots relevant to your request, e.g. of the error messages.

JPEG, PNG and PDF up to 8 MB

Of course you can also contact us by phone